Transforming Lives
When matchmaking is done right, it enriches the lives of both the client and caregiver. A simpatico connection with another person, after all, is one of life’s pure joys. Further, we want both our clients and our staff to feel cared for, which is why we are just as dedicated to our staff’s professional growth as we are about our clients’ total health. In addition to cultivating a culture of learning and excitement in our monthly staff meetings and training sessions , we encourage our employees’ continuing education and accommodate it in our scheduling. Learn more about how our “employee empowerment” policies impact staff morale, retention and more.
Putting The Client First
When we say we are “client-focused” at Nurses With Heart, it’s because we know that providing exceptional care means truly listening to our clients and providing services that are tailored to your needs and wants. It’s what creates trust, comfort, and contentment. For example, if a client says they wants to be able to do certain things himself, such as changing an ostomy bag, we will train them how to do it safely. In fact, we will empower our clients to the point where we’re out of a job. That’s because our clients’ needs always come first, and we never forget that. Our goal is to make life easier – and better – for our clients, not disrupt your lifestyle or inconvenience you. That’s why we work so hard on client-caregiver matchmaking and a personalized care plan that is always being adjusted to fit changing needs.
Practicing Best Practices
The world of health care is constantly evolving, and so are we. Our Chief Nursing Officer, Elais Ponton, BSN RN , consistently reviews the latest medical literature to ensure that Nurses With Heart is providing care in the safest and most effective manner. When protocols change, or guidelines are revised, we update our policies and devote one of our monthly in-house training sessions to the subject – for example, caring for clients after a hip replacement or shoulder surgery. That way, our staff is always abreast of the current best practices, and our clients can count on receiving the highest quality of care possible. Status quo doesn’t exist at Nurses With Heart because we are always looking for a better way.